Friday, March 18, 2016


law of attraction MasterMind by roda langrana

A question I need to ask ??? Who do you think is your better half ? By that I am referring to your mind and body synchronocity ?? Who or what controls you. If your body is of prime importance to you ... then you need to get your thinking right. There is a synergy between the two ... and 99.9% of the world does not know how to create it in themselves. The answers I found all came to me through love.  In all its many spendoured ways. I walked the path to God ... in much the same way as God does with us ... an unconditional love. I paid in many small ways when these stories were recreated for me as the protagonist and the rest of the world as my antagonist.  Yes one must be ready to walk the talk ... and I was ... but my mind held on to one condition ... sorry boss ... no punishments or suffering at all for me. I had had my fair share till the age of 55 and enough was enough.  I wonder why this is kept hidden from people ... and I swear I'd easily clobber the mind that locked it up for me for the first 55 years of my life. Its not a joke when you see suffering humanity ... for whose joy pray .. the devil.  Really .. did I swallow that story ?  Of course I didn't ... at least I don't now categorically. Earlier some screwed up mind held such stupid thoughts and we fell prey to them. I know where the answer lies and yes it is in religion ... when we accept everything we read as gospel truth ... i.e. without an analysis ... was it true .. could it be proved in our lives. If it did not work in yours well you know just what to think.

That is when I changed my opinion of the word holy.  What exactly defines holiness. To my mind only one answer is the truth.  Someone ready to help the world in humaneness ... being a protector of life. Are you ready to protect another's life just as you would your own ?? Its a question I dare to ask. And I can tell you that I can open up the whole world as a can of wormy minds like a giant pandora's box .. which it truly is.

For me most wisdom came to me in effortlessness .. an ability to create in me all that I claimed I could. I chose to speak the truth always and so I did. I have chronicled everything but it is piecemeal and I made a promise to myself that that which I shared through the goodness of a giving would never be counter productive for my sales of my written work. 

When I decided to become an author .. all I saw was the suffering of writers of the past ... most of them dying in penury ... none seeing the greatness of their hard work ... for another mind controlled them. The one which is very common in the world ... a duality of results .. an ambivalence to success ... through a modesty ? Of what use that modesty if it controlled your life's experiences and seemed more the work of the devil. A system that strips away from humanity .. all that is good for their individual life. Is this what we want for our future generations ?  Granted most do not see these results for they are not following the creative path ! Ask a creative person and you will get varying stories of failure.  Is this our promise to our future generations where sometimes the peers of your own family ... work as your enemies (so to speak ). This need not be true in all homes .. but of one thing I am aware ... money plays a big role. If your parents cannot afford to send you to the best educational institutions .. your life is an uphill climb. It is not morale boosting to see the two halves of the haves and the havenots play their role out in life ... often with the have nots struggling to get their talents off the table ... simply because other minds around them are not open minded enough to promote them.  A helping hand at this stage would do wonders to the mind left out in the cold. It does not breed greatness in any soul ... more like a canker that is capable of swallowing you up whole.

I digressed so to come back to the title of my article.  Change is the only constant and part of my answer is already out in the world.  But not the whole truth.  

I guess I was born to greatness for I have the answer to this biggie and yes the answer will be provided to all ... but it costs dearly as all good things in the world do.  It is my ticket to fame.