Showing posts with label LOVE THAT IS TRUEST. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LOVE THAT IS TRUEST. Show all posts

Thursday, March 31, 2016


Love that is truest.

One mind and one body ... we all own them. But tell me whose mind do you look after ... your own ofcourse unless you are a child .. then you are nurtured until you are old enough to look after yourself.

Growing up I was very often left on my own even though I lived in a joint family for quite a few years. There was never any shortage of kids to spend the time with for we were 7 in all. Leadership came to me at an early age for I was the eldest of the 7. I have always been a gregarious person growing up and as we were mostly unsupervised ... we had lots and lots of fun. In school I had so many friends whose fathers were managers/owners of cinema halls located quite close to our school and I caught many a matinee show by just standing and watching the movies ... running home before our parents' time to return. I don't think my mum knows about this even till today. And in all my years I never experienced a single problem. Life was fun growing up. Everything then was truly free. Our house was full to the brim of cakes / icecreams and other delicious foods all sent by friends of my father ... who appreciated him for who he was .. a good soul who supported them with their businesses. I was always close to my dad and I accompanied him on his many business trips to various companies. One such was UB distilleries and I have gone to the office of Vittal Mallya often where the father of the present would entertain us in his office personally. He would always present me with a small gift ,,, one such gift was a fancy ruler from Old Smuggler and I remember that it was my pride possession for years on end. and even when it broke I still kept it for old times sake. I was still a school girl then and such things mattered.

A lot of our past shapes our future and penning them down helps me remember the good times more often. I also remember the many times the ruler was used on my backside ... I had to often take the punishment for the wrong doings of others for I was the eldest !!! Being a taurean showed me that I could be a stubborn mule when I chose and that nobody ever really knew how to control me. Now I come to the title of this article ... love. Many parents believe .. spare the rod and spoil the child is right and the amount of strictness that I was brought up with did ensure that I grew up right.