Showing posts with label HUMAN FOLLIES. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HUMAN FOLLIES. Show all posts

Saturday, September 27, 2014



I have been and will always be a true follower of God .. our Creator.  Little did I realise that it was a journey into the unknown and how great a trust I had placed in the hands of something I had not seen and would probably never see.  But feelings ... I never hid my feelings ... I shared my experiences with all I met ... be they auto rikshaw drivers, people I met for maybe a half hour and who I might never meet again and they were in awe and I have had the most amazing responses from absolute random strangers.  

Except for sharing the knowledge of my book to use as a tool to understand that the light of God can be directly accessed by any and everybody .. desiring of such an experience .. I had nothing to gain. 

In fact I was always the giver giving of myself till it hurt me many times. My latest experience was to have some people laugh at me to my face .. the first time I cried ... the second time .. I took the time to explain to the person that what they did was wrong ... and what they did to me ... many have done that to God too. God can only be reached through knowledge. Knowledge is the light for our lives. 

It was in my destiny to experience this I guess for I can find no other justification for it. I am a tough cookie and there are not many things that can really get me down.  But I would despair that how does one reach into the minds of people that the devil has locked up and thrown away the key to. And I put my ego on a shelf in my mind and went about sharing my knowledge with those very same people.  It could well have been a pity for such people ... for the thoughts racing at the back of my mind would be .. just so sad that through their foolish approach to me they were missing on the lesson by shooting the messenger. 

How little does the everyday world really understand God ?  A spark does exist ... but a spark is just a point in the dark and the true light is and must be a raging fire.  Just like the fire in a hungry belly for food .. so should be the hunger in our souls to see its own true light. When left to ourselves we can and will.  But it is mostly a trial by fire .. as it was in my case too. But today I stand tall having conquered my own soul and won for it a freedom to be ... free of all limitations having been a housewife when I began, free to be myself .. a loud spoken individual, with a loud belly laugh that I have forgotten to enjoy, a quirky sense of humour and the biggest ego in the whole wide world. If my ego were a thing you could see .. it would be as the biggest reddest bow tie ever. That's how much pride I have for owning the ability to say of my self ... I am .. who I am.  I exist as life .. therefore I can only be a god. And I continue the task of raising my vibration higher and higher and I  can only pit myself against myself .. for I am yet to find a worthy mind to whom I may engage in verbal banter of the most erudite kind. When I read the book .. the Mind of God .. I would sit out on my patio and grumble at how difficult it was to understand everything and God would laugh through the trees and I would feel like a foolish child learning her tables. And then I would be serious and read it again and it all made sense. 

I am presently reading the Tao of Physics and amazingly this time around while I still have to read some paras again and again to understand them .. there is a lot of stuff I just know that the writer has not got right.  This happened to me when I began to read What God Wants by Neale Donald Walsh. It just would not resonate with me and I wanted to pick it apart .. so I just put it away. I even began The Power of Now by Eckhard Tolle and while some of it was ok .. I actually thought that the gentleman was creating problems for himself at a certain level. It was then that I would pull the rug and create a nice neat little fold to tuck it all out of sight. The end result for all life is to make it easy ... not more difficult. God has enough work trying to keep the world from tripping on its own face .. to keep so many naughty minds out of trouble must be a herculean task indeed and while I enjoyed the journey through the mind of god for the last 4 years .. it was a 24 hours 365 days affair and mind you I do enjoy it tremendously but I need to take a break ... enjoy, travel, and whatever else takes my fancy.  Since I had been given the sentence of a short life ... God held my hand tight ... showed me I had nothing to fear from another creature of our world.  I felt so loved ... so wholesomely complete was it that I was a new person forever and forever. I just looked on that love with a whole lot of bigger respect. 

 But I doff my hat to the Creator ... if ever I saw greatness .. I saw it there ... in somebody so comfortable being themselves .. they just did not need a recommendation