Saturday, January 16, 2016


don't fall for clichès ... define madness ... all it sometimes is .. is an ability to believe more deeply that the sceptic. Or work harder and longer. When chasing greatness a mind has to try above the ordinary minds around it. That focus when it is laser sharp creates an above the ordinary mind. And people around you will often try to bring you down in carelessness.. A great mind must rise above that order to move in to another higher realm where they become ... unstoppable. I speak from my personal experience.where failure stared at me more in the face than my success did. And by success I mean world wide success ... not among my friends which is already mine. Yet I know better and therefore strive harder.
Understanding my higher self and connecting to it was what opens doors for me. As it is we are all clued in to life ... but there is a fine balance I achieved even when at the start of my work I found people looking at me askance ... I opened myself to a mild ridicule .. that was the hardest part ... when all I did was talk to random strangers. Funnily when I would be talking to them ... I would be entranced by what I was conveying ... but many could not relate to me completely. And slowly I withdrew ... into myself ... not communicating as much as I would like to have. But I worked within my own mind ... 24 hours of every day
... it had become a part of my life. Now I work with mind alone ... a higher calling ... I communicate with world energy directly through my mind ... laying out my desires through truths and goodness alone. I reserve my threats for any misuse of life ... often buying trouble for myself when spirit plays fast and loose with me ... playing with my breath to cause me fears / making my body go ice cold. I write it here just so that if ever you have some symptom like this ... talk yourself out of it. You might think you have an illness but that is not the truth. There is really no such thing as an illness ... it is a confusion created in your mind by having such an idea planted in you. I have taught myself to move away from such problems for my life. Be a MasterMind ... it is old .. this wisdom ... yet spanking new for not many are aware of it.