Thursday, February 5, 2015


  • Roda Langrana to do good is a choice ... only then are the fruits visible ... they travel down generations ... this is a constant in my life. I have been chosen to bless the world too through my work .. my ego tells me I chose myself to link with my greatness. A journey one step out of time. Read my book MasterMind ... it delivers more than I wish to explain. Keep the options for your life open through it. I was so impressed with what all opened up for me through MasterMind I rewrote the whole story in verse in my new book MasterMind in Verse.I have already created an ISBN no for it on Amazon .. should be out soon. Both the books are mystical conversations with the self . There is a saying that learning is a life long activity and when you are ready .. the master comes along. I am not afraid to call myself a master for I walked the talk for this one .. with a fight with spirit .. angels and demons and found them all benign but had a tough time getting them to bend. In every loss is my gain .. what I gave in time I gained in wisdom. I literally walk the earth like a god ... it does not sound boastful to me for I promised myself a biggie .. I was going to be gr8 in my now .. not posthumously. I have many answers .. they are so simple that most minds could not wrap themselves around such truths ... even when I shared them freely ... allowing me to grow into my bigger pair of shoes and now it is payment time to me. Truths are the only go to god for our world .. in them is the true wisdom of god and a god is created from each piece of truth. Author page
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