Monday, December 15, 2014


As a thinking god I create my own reality ... I accept that if anything requires to be done at any point in my life I have been granted the gift of knowledge to make all things work. Then I know that there is no outside teacher for me .. only myself in goodness giving more goodness to myself. Prabha understand this .. god must be living to make changes ... we are the spirit of god .. so why should anything else teach us when we hold the finest capacities within ourselves. You may be shown the way through words but it will always have to be you interpreting them the way that makes best sense for you. And my amazing experience was .. the same knowledge showed me different layers as I progressed in my thinking. to begin thinking in a manner that sets you free .. not binds you to anything. But that we are bound to each other is but a different facet of our reality. Then you understand that true freedom means being free to think .. the way you want for your own life. Everything including your own family then becomes a giver to you and time is freed for you by yourself to do what you like best. Time / money / space are gifts of spirit of God ... be thankful for them at one level and at another know that only you did the work to make the changes you desire in your life. That it will always be you who will need to think and then do the work. That is how we must learn our lessons in life. Ask an outside god to help you and you will receive what they think is best for you .. not what you yourself want. I learnt this lesson the hard way and shall forever remember it correctly. Learn a lesson wrong and you will only forever pay the price for everything comes as per our thinking. I walked the lone path to becoming a mentor and I am thankful to holy spirit for guiding me right. That is my true pride and joy and I touched god through myself.